Sky Glass – Looking Beyond The Product

On October 7th 2021, Sky made the bold move of launching Sky Glass, its own TV (watch the launch keynote). Door had the pleasure of working with the Sky team when the idea of making their own TV was embryonic. Our role was to explore what else you might do with a TV and other …

Shaping the Future: The Imperative To Evolve Your Business Philosophy

I have wanted to write something on how philosophy will play a greater role in contemporary business for several years. Of course, it is an area that has been covered before (Forbes wrote about the Chief Philosopher in 2018, and some companies already have in-house philosophers, or at least consult with philosophers, as reported by …

Podcast – What does research into Design Thinking show?

  The COVID-19 pandemic is placing galactic pressures on companies everywhere to adapt and evolve. There is a temptation to frame responses in a singular and extremist way in the heat of phrases like “the new normal”. In reality, there is a spectrum of responses from short term tactical adaptations to survive, to adaptations in order …

Finding personality in a world of over-simplification and data funnels

We love things with personality. Yet we are surrounded by so much blandness. And not just aesthetically but in interactions and usage. There are multiple causes, of course. But two forces, that increasingly conspire in partnership, standout. First, the rise of “simple” as the North Star in design, product development and brand. And second, data …